Functional Nanomaterials – Tuning the Size and Surface Chemistry for Applications in Biomedical Science, Renewable Energy Technologies and Environmental Remediation


报告主题Functional Nanomaterials – Tuning the Size and Surface Chemistry for Applications in Biomedical Science, Renewable Energy Technologies and Environmental Remediation



报 告 人巴基斯坦科学学院院士 Irshad Hussain教授




Irshad Hussain教授是巴基斯坦科学院(FPAS)院士、国际工程与技术研究所(FIETI)院士和皇家化学学会(FRSC)会士。他是拉合尔管理科学大学SBA科学与工程学院终身教授和化学系创始主席,现任化学与化学工程系主任。他曾担任巴基斯坦科学技术委员会(PCST)国家纳米技术专家小组主席、国家纳米技术核心小组主席和国家化学核心小组成员。他曾两次获得巴基斯坦科学院化学金奖。他的研究兴趣包括金属/金属氧化物纳米颗粒的设计和合成及其作为开发新型纳米结构材料的基础,以及纳米材料在生物医学、环境科学和可再生能源技术中的应用。目前已在Nat. Mater.Nat. Commun.Sci. Adv.J. Am. Chem. Soc.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.Adv. Mater.等期刊发表SCI论文150篇,论文他引8975余次


The unique chemical and physical properties of nanoscale materials have triggered great scientific interest to explore their potential applications in biomedical sciences, reenable energy technologies, environment, catalysis, and industry etc. The chemical and physical properties of metal/metal oxide nanoparticles can generally be tuned by controlling their size, shape, and surface chemistry. In this regard, we have developed several reproducible protocols based on chemical reduction and precipitation approach to prepare functionalized metal/metal oxide nanoparticles from subnanometer to over 100 nm in aqueous/organic media with a decent control over their size, shape, and surface chemistry. Currently we are focusing on the applications of these nanoparticles and nanocomposites in biomedical sciences (i.e., bio-sensing especially bacterial detection, bio-imaging, drug delivery, multidrug resistance), environmental remediation (detection and removal of organic/inorganic pollutants from water, CO oxidation, and CO2 capture and conversion) and renewable energy technologies (mainly H2 production & storage and electrode materials for batteries) based on electrocatalytic and photocatalytic approaches. This talk would, therefore, be an overview of interdisciplinary research activities of Functional Nanomaterials Group at LUMS to synthesize customized inorganic/organic nanoparticles with tunable size and surface chemistry, and their composites having unique chemical and physical properties, and subsequent applications in biomedical sciences, environment, catalysis and renewable energy technologies.

Figure showing electron microscopic images/cartoons of different functional nanomaterials prepared in my group at LUMS.